v/ Toril Grøtan Oksvold
7140 Opphaug.
Ørland kommune
Telefon +47 72521170
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Toril Grøtan Oksvold
(Photo by Hans Keuls) |
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Jørgen Bjelkes v. 12,
7140 Opphaug, Ørland / mobil +47 90798609
eller Galleri Empati
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Toril G. Oksvold Billedkunst
Av betydning :
Elev hos bla. Tone Ek og Aud Lilleengen, -
v/ Tegning, Form og Farge ved Ørland Vg. Skole.
Arne Isacsson(Sverige), Octavio Gil Villegas, Kari-Unn P.Paye (USA), Vesla Kielland, Olaf Andersen, Janis Spalvins (Latvia) m.flere.
Teknikkene jeg som oftest jobber i er akvarell, grafikk, eggoljetempera
og blandingsteknikker innen disse.
I de siste årene også foto og DGA.
Jeg liker å male fra naturen og har en forkjærlighet til blomster.
En av mine inspirasjonskilder er billedveversken Hannah Ryggen.
Hannahs billedvev ”Mors hjerte” har inspirert meg til å lage flere kunstverk i en blanding av dyptrykk og akvarell der hvert bilde blir et unikt særtrykk.
Mange av mine akvareller har riper i papiret som jeg selv har påført,
slik at det ser ut som tråder eller renningen/innslagene i en vev.
Flere av mine kunstverk er laget etter inspirasjon av musikk. Jeg hører bestandig på musikk når jeg maler.
INTERNATIONAL WATERCOLOUR BIENNIAL "BALTIC Klaw ran an international mail-order business out of his store, Movie Star News, selling cheesecake pinups and bondage/spanking photos. In academic discourse, racial fetishism is a postcolonialist term found in the writings of authors such as Homi K. The arousal from being desperate comes from the sensation of having a full bladder. The term lesbian is also used with regard to sexual identity or sexual behavior, regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to characterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality or same-sex attraction. Saliva pornography involves salivation and saliva. The reverse of this, in which nude women interact with clothed men, is called Clothed male, naked female . For uncircumcised males, stimulation of the penis in this way comes from the pumping of the foreskin, in which the foreskin is held and slid up and down over the glans, which depending on foreskin length, is completely or partially covered and then uncovered in a rapid motion. It may be used as foreplay, or as an alternative to sexual penetration. Omorashi: The act of holding one own urine until the need to urinate is urgent, making another hold in their urine, or watching another person with an urgent need to urinate. Gay-for-pay describes male or female actors, pornographic stars, or sex workers who self-identify as heterosexual but who are paid to act or perform as homosexual professionally. Examples of heterosexual pornographic film series featuring creampies include Cream Filled Teens and Internal Cumbustion. Threesome can also refer to a love triangle, a three-way romantic relationship. If ejaculation is onto the other person face it can be called a facial. Normal quantities of ejaculate range from 1.5 to 5.0 milliliters . For instance, Amateur Allure has a trademark shot where the sexually performing cameraman circles a handycam around the sexually performing model head. It has also been recommended as a form of foreplay or safer sex. Real medical shots or videos may violate old milf privacy laws in some countries.BRIDGES. RESONANCE" Kaunas, 2014
Kaunas Picture Gallery of National M. K. Ciurlionis Art Museum. Link
Selective-competitive exhibition „Connections“ of the 4th International Watercolor Biennial „Baltic Bridges“ from October 11. till November 25. 2012, at Kaunas Picture Gallery of National M. K. Ciurlionis Art Museum. Arr. Lithuanian Artists Association. Link omtale
DESEMBERUTSTILLINGEN ved Trondhjems Kunstforening 2021
DESEMBERUTSTILLINGEN ved Trondhjems Kunstforening 2018
DESEMBERUTSTILLINGEN ved Trondhjems Kunstforening 17.11.–18.12.2011
DESEMBERUTSTILLINGEN ved Trondhjems Kunstforening 11.11.–19.12.2010
International Watercolour Biennial "Baltic Bridges. Depht" 13.8.- 5.9. 2010
at Art Gallery “Arka”, Aušros Vartų str. 7, Vilnius, Lithuania
DESEMBERUTSTILLINGEN ved Trondhjems Kunstforening 26.11.-20.12. 2009
“BALTIC BRIDGES. Displacements” Kaunas Picture Gallery,
6th International exhibition of miniatures "little m", Litauen 2007 :
March 20 - April 9, 2007 in "Alytus City Museum", Alytus.
August 30 - September 20, 2007 in “Klaipeda Gallery", Klaipeda
Later "little m" will visit Vilnius.
International Watercolour Exhibition "Baltic Bridges"
National Museum of M.K. Ciurionis, M. Zilinskas Art Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania.
arr.:Lithuanian Artist`s Association, Kaunas Department
(LAA KD) 2006
1 Omtale fra Litauen På Litauisk også 2 -,,-
3 -,,- 4 -,,- 5 -,,- 6 -,,- 7 -,,-
Galleri F 12, Stavanger 2021
"Relasjoner" Galleri Stallen, Museet Uthaugsgården fra 24.6. 2018
Galleri Hans, Ørland Kultursenter 18.6 -28.8. 2016
"Fra hjertet" Trondhjems Kunstforening, Lille Galleriet, 2. etasje 24.3 - 30.4. 2011
Mølnargården, Ørland/Bjugn Kunstforening, 19.6.2011
Galleri F12, Stavanger, 2010
Galleri Carrie, Levanger, 2010
Årets kunstner, Kystkulturdagene 2004
Utstillinger i utvalg :
Aure-lånna, Aure -00
Bryggeutstillinga i Råkvåg, i flere år,- også 2006, 2015.
Midt-Nordisk Kunstfestival, Inderøy -01
Galleri Stallen, Uthaugsgården, Ørland, fl. år
Halten-dagene 3 år
Harbak-utstillinga, Åfjord -02, -03, -09
Medlemsutstilling, Ørl./ Bjugn Kunstforening, 2002-2021
Ørl. Kysthotell, Blues - Utstilling, fra 2001 tom 2017
Åfjord Kunstforening, Kulturdagene -01, -02.
Galleri F12, Stavanger -02, -03, -04, -05, -06, -07, -08 - 14, -15, -16, -17
Kibneb festivalen -04
Galleri SG, Fosenkunstnere, Trondheim -05
"Art Surprise", Brekstad Kulturfestival, -06
"Coast to Coast" -07
Klaipeda Seafestival "Summer Camp Exhibition" 07
"Coast to Coast" Summer Camp Symposium and Exhibition in Klaipeda - 08.
"Galleri Prestegårdsfjøset" Museet Kystens Arv, Stadsbygd, arr. av Stadr Kunstalg. - 09
“The Art Bridge of Watercolour” The 5 th International Exhibition,
St. Petersburg Society of Watercolours, Russia, 12.-11. – 3.12. 2009.
Norwegian Female Watercolour-artists, Jõgevas City Library, 8.10 - 1.12 . 2010. Estonia.
5 Norwegian Female Watercolour-artists, Narva City Library, 4.12. 2010-8.1.2011. Estonia.
5 Norwegian Female Watercolour-artists at Põltsamaa City Library 23.02-31.03.2011. Estonia.
"Kunst til Jul?" Trondhjems Kunstforening, 05.12. – 19.12.2010.
Arte sem Fronteiras, AIA, Miranda do Douro, Portugal, 9.-17. 7. 2011
8 akvarellkunstnere fra Baltikum og Norge, Galleri Lilje, 28.8. - 16.10. 2011
The XI International Watercolor Biennial in Mexico City at"Alfredo Guati Rojo"
National Watercolor Museum, Mexico, NAS 2015
Stranda 13, Uthaug, 2017
Ete` Swiss Art Space, Lausanne, Switzerland 2019
av :
Ørland Hovedflystasjon, Ørland Kommune, Bjugn Kommune, Stadr Kunstlag.
: bla. DnB, PGS Production, Statoil, Fokus Bank.
Medlem av Nordisk Akvarellselskap.
Underviser i
visuelle kunstfag
Bjugn Kulturskole,
Vikar ved Fosen
Videregående skole, tidligere også ved
Ørland ungdoms skole.
Holder kurs i mange forskjellige
næringsdrivende gallerist
ved Galleri Empati.
Lager kunst innen flere teknikker :
akvarell, eggoljetempera, collage, grafikk, blandingsteknikker og monotypi.
"Mother`s Heart, - the anchor
Mother`s Heart.
A mother tries to be the
strongest anchor
and do all the right things…..
A mother’s heart
has been broken
- many times........
Sometimes it feels like being
stabbed by a knife
- as if the heart has been cut
into 1000 pieces,
- when something happens to
the child.
"Mother`s Heart,- is like a flower
A mother will always try to
- pick up the pieces
- heal
and never give up
on this precious thing called;
- mother’s love.
A mother’s heart is like a flower
beautiful, sensitive, fragile and strong,
- but also need care and love to grow.
Opens up in the sunshine,
- closes when the night comes,
and always embrace the most important in life.
"Mother`s Heart,- cares
A mother’s heart cares,
- the children means everything.
When they are hurt and in pain,
a mother’s heart feels the same....
Written by Toril G. Oksvold.
The great artist Hannah Ryggen and her tapestry "Mother`s Heart" inspired me to make this artworks and to write this words.